Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Beer Man

My previous post was about leaving my job, and I found a new one very quickly. (That was a major surprise!)

My new job is a beer delivery guy. It is amazing what a normal job is like. For the majority of my life, I have had jobs that paid on some type of commission base pay, so now I'm not sure what to do with myself.

I get paid by the hour, only work 40 hour weeks, and there is an awesome benefits package with this company.

I know I've only been there for a week, but I really feel content there. I have always had issues with feeling like I don't fit in or I'll never go anywhere (promotions). So far I have a different feeling about this place---they have all made me feel right at home and there are many opportunities depending on what I want to do over the years.

I'll update on this again next weekend!


Trish said...

WOOT WOOT congrats, I really hope this works out for you. I know Erin and the kids love to have you home.

Grampy said...

Glad to hear it's working out BeerBoy (aks Duckman). . . It's about time you landed a human-sounding job. . . Do you get FREE beer? Don't you have to do a lot of heavy lifting and moving of brewskies? . . . I guess at your age, the exercise is probably a good thing. . . I hope that you and 'Roneous don't drown in the suds!! And, remember no chugging on that curvy delivery route. . . As we drunks like to say, "Once a cucumber, never a pickle!"