Friday, August 1, 2008

Blog Crisis...

When I started this blog I was driving a big truck in three states and covered 500 miles a day. Now I drive a beer truck (it feels like driving a mini van compared to the big truck). I stay in the town that I live in and only work 8 and a half hours a day (compared to the 90 or so that I was working before). LIFE IS GOOD.

The problem that I'm running into is that I don't really have alot to tell everyone about. I tried to pay more attention to my surroundings over the past two weeks, but nothing. So again I'm back to the thought of what do you blog about. My wife can make posts about little things, big things, and even nothing. While I sit back and try to come up with something, with little luck.

So my attemp this weekend is to find something or think of a story from the past (hopefully I can think of one that won't give my loving mother a heart attack when she reads it).


Chris said...


Go ahead. Shoot...

I can take it (now).

Love ya'!

Grampy said...

I admire your courage (and initiative) to even ATTEMPT your own blog. I lack both imagination and memory -- so the silence would be DEAFENING. . . You might want to take your cue from 'Ronius and offer bags of dog crap to a random commenter (cod, of course)! . . . Keep on truckin' -- and try not to drink on the job.