Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I've been tagged by Trish... so I have to post six random things about myself. I've been thinking about this one all evening and have not come up with much, so I'm gonna ramble through this and see how it goes.

1. I would love to be a farmer. Ya know, cows and fields and horses and shit (literally, shit!). Yes, I am a proud REDNECK!

2. I had my first run-in with the police at the age of 2. That's another story for another time...

3. I was born in Key West, FL. Even though I was born by the beach and have lived by the beach, "I HATE the beach!" (I can't stand having sand around my feet.)

4. I'm BALD, at the age of 31; is that even supposed to happen?

5. I have three children. Most of you (if you're either related to us or read my wife's blog) already know Damon and Avery. But they also have an older sister, Molly. Again, another story for another time...

6. I, the quiet one (I really don't talk a lot outside of my little home), have won national awards for public speaking.

Well, hopefully those are six things about me that most of you had no clue about. I'm sure that you're gonna have questions about some of those, so we'll see where that leads for later posts.

I'm supposed to tag 6 others for this, too... but I don't know many bloggers who haven't been tagged already in this round. If you're reading, have a blog, and haven't been tagged yet... you're it! One of these days, I'll have some extra time to find more blogs to read and enjoy, but right now it's a small world.

Here are the rules :
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Write six random things about yourself.
- Tag six people at the end of your post.
- Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
- Let the tagger know when your entry is up.


ErinRagan said...

Beautiful Wife Commentary...

Re: #2... and the way his mom tells it, she held her newborn baby boy and his big, beautiful eyes were the same color as the ocean she could see outside of her hospital window.

Is that not the sweetest thing you've ever heard??

(He does have gorgeous, make-me-weak-in-the-knees eyes!)

I was very relieved that I actually DID know all six things! WHEW!

ErinRagan said...

Oops, sorry... that would be #3!

And, I lied, I didn't REALLY know #2. I've heard the story countless times, but I thought he was older than TWO.

Carrie Hewitt said...

Nick....there are lots of women out there who think bald is sexy! My Tim is balding at 32 and I think he is the cutest thing ever!

Your 6 things were good.....I have to do mine here in the near future...your beautiful wife tagged me and I don't think I can top that....